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Inna Lysnianskaya and Semen Lipkin at the Anna Tsvetaeva museum in Moscow

Photos from the evening dedicated to Inna Lysnianskaya and Semen Lipkin at the Anna Tsvetaeva museum in Moscow, that now days is hosting an exhibition of artist books produced and owned by Roman Liberov.

Roman Liberov and Elena Makarova hosted this evening, in which her short movie in Russan about the couple was shown:

I was commissioned to produce two portraits of each, Inna: my grandmother and Semen, her second husband. This task, easy to start with, revealed to be a hard labour. It took me two weeks, changing directions, consulting my mother and completely losing my mind, until I figured it out!

They were two great poets, sharing not only a roof, dinner and daily routine, but most important - the passion for poetry and literature. It is a big honour for me to be an active part of our artistic family.

See Facebook event HERE

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